Tiger Theory

Tiger Theory

Cast & Crew

Directed by Radek Bajgar


Jiří Bartoška, Eliška Balzerová, Iva Janžurová, Tatiana Vilhelmová


Category Feature Film

Genres Comedy, Drama, Best Agers

Running time 107 min.

Language Czech

Nationality Czech Republic/Slovak Republic

Scriptwriters Radek Bajgar, Mirka Zlatníková

Cinematographer Vladimír Holomek

Produced by Logline Production s.r.o.

Local Release 2016 Mar 31

Production status Completed

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The aging veterinary Jan who tries to find a decent way out of his marriage that has become his cage. His last straw is his Grandfathers death, who fought the same inner battle, while his wife, now widow – still in good faith of doing him a favour – keeps deciding everything. Jan’s wife Olga is also convinced that she is in charge of their happiness, while Jan is increasingly scared of following his Grandfathers path. He keeps testing more and more peculiar strategies to re-liberate himself and eventually chooses an absurdly adventurous and very uncomfortable way into the wilderness to find out there is no simple manual for reaching his vision of freedom.